04. Are you going to go on a diet?
느리게 읽기
빠르게 읽기
Are you going to go on a diet?
Are you going to retire early?
Are you going to eat that bread?
Are you going to stop smoking?
Are you going to break up with him?
Are you going to move to Seoul?
Are you going to apologize to him?
Are you planning to retire early?
Are you planning to move to Seoul?
What are you going to do after work?
Why are you going to quit the job?
Are you going to + 동사원형 : ~ 할 예정이니?
Are you going to go on a diet? 다이어트 할 계획이야?
Are you going to retire early? 조기 퇴직 할 예정이니?
Are you going to eat that bread? 그 빵 먹을꺼야?
Are you going to stop smoking? 담배 끊을 예정이니?
Are you going to break up with him? 걔랑 헤어질거야?
Are you going to move to Seoul? 서울로 이사갈거야?
Are you planning to retire early? 명퇴 할 계획이야?
Are you planning to move to Seoul? 서울로 이사 갈 계획이야?
What are you going to do after work? 퇴근 후에 뭐 할 예정이야?
Why are you going to quit the job? 왜 직장을 그만두려고 하는거야?
오늘도 좋은 하루 보내세요!! Have a nice day!!