03. Are you free to join us?
느리게 읽기
빠르게 읽기
Are you free to join us?
Are you free to talk right now?
I have time to talk with you for a sec.
Are you free to talk about it?
Are you free to go to the movies?
Are you free to go over this report?
Are you free to take care of the project?
Are you free (right now)?
Is he free to go over this report?
Are they free to take care of the project?
Are you free to go to the movies this Saturday?
When are you free to go to the movies?
Are you free to + 동사원형 : ~할 시간 되니? , ~할 짬 있니?
Are you free (right now) ? : 시간 돼?
Are you free to join us? 우리랑 함께할 시간 돼?
Are you free to talk right now? 지금 통화할 시간 돼?
Are you free to talk about it? 그 것에 대해 얘기할 시간 되니?
Are you free to go to the movies? 영화 보러 갈 시간 되니?
Are you free to go over this report? 이 리포트 검토할 시간 되니?
Are you free to take care of the project? 이 프로젝트 맡을 여유 되니?
Are you free (right now)? (지금) 시간 되니?
Is he free to go over this report? 걔 이 보고서 검토할 시간 될까?
Are they free to take care of the project? 그들이 이 프로젝트를 맡을 여유가 되나요?
Are you free to go to the movies this Saturday? 이번주 토요일에 영화 보러 갈 시간 돼?
When are you free to go to the movies? 언제 영화 보러 갈 시간 돼?