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42. I have time to listen to you.

category 공부/영어공부 2019. 8. 12. 08:57

느리게 읽기

빠르게 읽기


I have time to listen to you.

I have time to do so.

I have time to exercise.

I have time to talk with you for a sec.

Are you free to talk right now?

Are you free to ~

I have time to drive you to the office.

I can give you a ride.

I can ~

I have time to take care of her tonight.

I can take care of myself.

☞ I can ~

I don't have time to do so.

I don't have time to drive you to the office.

I don't have time to make breakfast.

I don't have time to explain every little thing to you.

I have time to + 동사원형 : 난 ~ 할 시간(여유)이 있어. 

I have time to listen to you.  네 얘기 들어줄 시간이 있어.

I have time to do so.  그럴 시간은 있어.

I have time to exercise.  운동할 시간은 있지.

I have time to talk with you for a sec.  너랑 잠시 얘기 나눌 시간은 있지.

Are you free to talk right now?  지금 얘기 좀 할 여유 돼?

☞ Are you free to ~

I have time to drive you to the office.  사무실까지 널 태워줄 시간 있어.

I can give you a ride.  널 태워줄 수 있다. 

☞ I can ~

I have time to take care of her tonight.  오늘 밤 그 애 봐줄 시간 있어.

I can take care of myself.   내 몸은 내가 챙길 수 있다.

☞ I can ~

I don't have time to do so.  그거 할 시간 없어.

I don't have time to drive you to the office.  사무실까지 널 태워다 줄 여유가 없어.

I don't have time to make breakfast.  아침 할 시간이 없네.

I don't have time to explain every little thing to you.  너에게 시시콜콜 설명해줄 시간이 없어. 

오늘도 좋은 하루 보내세요!!  Have a nice day!!



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