느리게 읽기
빠르게 읽기
How often do you see your parents?
How often do you exercise?
How often do you read books?
How often do you walk a dog?
Did you forget to walk the dog?
How often do you go to a doctor?
Are you free to go to the movies?
Do you want to be a doctor?
How often do you wash your hands?
How many times do you read books?
How many times do you walk a dog?
How often does she exercise?
How often does that happen?
대답: 횟수(once/twice/three times) + 기준이 되는 기간(a day/week/month/year)
ex. once a day / twice a week / three times a month ...
How often do you see your parents? 부모님 얼마나 자주 뵙니?
How often do you exercise? 운동은 얼마나 자주 하니?
How often do you read books? 책은 얼마나 자주 읽니?
How often do you walk a dog? 얼마나 자주 멍멍이 산책 시켜주니?
Did you forget to walk the dog? 멍멍이 산책 잊은거야?
How often do you go to a doctor? 얼마나 자주 병원에 가니?
Are you free to go to the movies? 영화보러 갈 시간 돼?
Do you want to be a doctor? 의사 되고 싶니?
How often do you wash your hands? 얼마나 자주 손을 씻니?
How many times do you read books? 얼마나 자주 책을 읽니?
How many times do you walk a dog? 얼마나 자주 멍멍이 산책 시켜주니?
How often does she exercise? 그녀는 얼마나 자주 운동 해?
How often does that happen? 그런 일이 얼마나 자주 생기는데?
'공부 > 영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글
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30. How was it? (14) | 2019.05.30 |
28. How long have you been here? (22) | 2019.05.27 |
27. How did you know that? (12) | 2019.05.24 |
26. How can you be so stupid? (11) | 2019.05.23 |